Sunday, September 12, 2010

What next?

So, VBS is finished...hard to believe that all the planning and it is done!  I went into it with a heavy heart this year...alot of "stuff" got in the way of the usual joy I have for it...BUT, when I am weak, He is strong!  The Lord showed up in a BIG way!!  MANY MANY things that could have torpedoed the entire week just moved out of the way and He made it happen. 
I am thinking about what is next...personally, professionally, spiritually...lots of unknowns and I am wondering why, when I could GIVE VBS to Him, why do I find it SO hard to give the REST to Him??  I try to...I really do, but then, I say.."but I will do this"  or "it will be better if I do that."  I pull back the little pieces that I think I can do better....struggling to allow Him to work in ALL areas of my life without my interference. 
So...really, what next?  There are tons of kids in Sunday do I reach their parents and help them to come to Christ? do I help the adults who are already in church know Jesus?  Trying hard to discern what He wants me to do next....especially the ladies' Bible continue or not?  Pour all my energy into the kids?  Try to do both?  Hmmm...what next?